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Business Models

We believe that every customer and its needs are unique; hence, we offer a range of business models to meet the specific needs:
Fixed Price Model
This model fits customers with clearly defined requirements and project schedules. The customers may also outsource the development and/or support of a complete system, sub-system or modules. Under this model, the customer pays a fixed price and QCOM will deliver a quality product under an agreed upon schedule. The customers are not burdened with the details of the development, nor the headache of project management.

If the requirement has not been clearly defined, QCOM will work with the customer on the requirement definition first. Once the requirement is baselined, QCOM will perform a detailed effort analysis and provide the price quote to the customer.

The typical steps involved are:
Dedicated Team
In this model, the customer will request QCOM to dedicate a team, with appropriate technical skill sets, solely for their projects for a pre-determined interval. Usually this team is responsible for developing certain sub-systems or functional modules and it works as an extension of a larger development team managed by the customers. The actual development by the team is carried out at the QCOM facility, whereas the integration of its delivery could be done on either the customer premises or at the QCOM facility. Billing is done on the staff-month basis.

The benefits of this model are:
Time and Materials
Sometimes, it is in the customers' best interest to pay on a time-and-materials basis. It is particularly suited for the maintenance support of those mature products where bug fixing is a rare event.